Metropolitan Cathedral

🌿 Preparing for the Twenty-First Sunday after Pentecost – Year B
Thursday, October 10, 2024

📖 Scripture Preview:
This Sunday’s Gospel, Mark 10:35-45, reveals a powerful lesson on servant leadership. When James and John ask for positions of honor, Jesus responds, “Whoever wishes to become great among you must be your servant.” He reminds us that true greatness in God’s kingdom is not about status or power, but about humility and service to others.

🙏 Prayer:
Lord, give us hearts of humility. Teach us to serve others as You served, and to seek greatness not in power or recognition, but in love and care for those in need.

💡 Reflection:
How can you cultivate a spirit of service in your life this week? Reflect on the ways God is calling you to lead through humility and love.

#Pentecost #RCL #YearB #ServantLeadership #SacredOrder #Humility #AfricanEpiscopalChurch #RevisedCommonLectionary #FollowJesus #SundayPrep