Metropolitan Cathedral

🌅 Reflecting on the Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost – Year B
Sunday, September 1, 2024

📖 Scripture Focus:
Today, we gather to reflect on Mark 7:24-37, where Jesus reaches out to those on the margins, breaking barriers to bring healing and hope. In His actions, we see a call to embrace and serve all people with the same love and compassion that He shows.

🙏 Prayer:
Lord Jesus, help us to follow Your example of radical love. May we reach beyond our comfort zones to bring Your healing presence to those who feel forgotten or overlooked.

💬 Reflection:
How can we embody Christ’s inclusive love today? Let’s challenge ourselves to reach out, connect, and serve others in new and meaningful ways.

#Pentecost #RCL #RadicalLove #YearB #SacredOrder #InclusiveFaith #AfricanEpiscopalChurch #RevisedCommonLectionary