Metropolitan Cathedral

🌿 Preparing for the Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost – Year B
Friday, September 6, 2024

📖 Scripture Focus:
As we get ready for Sunday, let us meditate on James 3:1-12, which addresses the power of our words. James reminds us that the tongue, though small, has the ability to bless and curse. He challenges us to use our speech to build up, encourage, and speak truth with love.

🙏 Prayer:
Holy Spirit, guide our words to bring healing and hope. Teach us to speak with wisdom, kindness, and integrity, reflecting Your love in every conversation.

🗣️ Reflection:
How can you use your words to bring life and encouragement to others today? Consider how you can be intentional in speaking words that uplift and inspire.

#Pentecost #RCL #PowerOfWords #YearB #SacredOrder #SpeakLife #AfricanEpiscopalChurch #RevisedCommonLectionary